Stories About The Occasional Non-lament(able) Post

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving

Whether traveling, cooking, or chilling, may your Thanksgiving holiday be a delight.

Take time to rest and be grateful for the pleasures of life.

From our house to yours,

Happy Thanksgiving,

Jon (aka Handsome Hubby) and Karen

Super Readers

I Tried to Join an Exclusive Club - Epic Fail!

Super Readers

We all know the expression “Pride goes before the fall.” Well, in my case, I took “the fall” big time this Fall season

It began last January when I set a loosey-goosey goal of reading “a lot” of books in 2024. It started when I saw an article about Super Readers, which sounded super impressive. I didn’t bother actually to read the article, but on the spot, I decided I would become one too. It wasn’t prudent of me. The devil — and the pride — is always in the details! Read more

Name Woes

Pronounce My Name Correctly. I Dare You!

name woes

Pity poor me! I suffer from a multitude of name woes. From a last name that’s unpronounceable to a first name that is widely mocked, I suffer from the slings and arrows of moniker misfortune! Read more

Carrying on about Carry-on Luggage

What's in Your Suitcase?

Carrying on about carry on

Ah, the joys of carry-on luggage. What fits? What doesn’t? What’s allowed? What isn’t? What don’t you mind having scanned? What’s too embarrassing? It almost takes the fun out of traveling! Here to help — me and the good old New York Times! Read more

Rebel with a Little Cause

Who Knew a Little Free Library was a No-No?

Rebel with a Little Cause

I’ve been working hard to adjust to life in Reno. It’s a far cry from NYC, Las Vegas, and Berkeley, but I’ve been doing pretty well. Sadly, however, things took a turn for the worse last week, no thanks to a letter from the neighborhood homeowners’ association. Now, I’m a rebel with a little cause.

It all started when Read more

Good-bye to a Friend, Harry Reid

A Personal, Not Political, Memorial

Harry Reid

Somebody important died. He was important to the nation. He was important to his home state. To his family. And he was important to my family. His name was Harry Reid. Read more

Our 7 Day No-Cooking Plan

A Sheltering-in-Place Escape from the Kitchen

Our 7 Day No-Cooking Plan

It seemed like a fun idea at the time. If you can’t go on vacation, let the vacation come to you — seven days of no-cooking bliss, just ordering-in dinner! Think of it: a week freed from menu planning, grocery shopping, cooking, and kitchen clean-up. Short of a cure for COVID-19, it’s my idea of earthly delight.

AND as an added bonus: a week of order-in meals means a week of yummy ready-made lunches since take-out food is always way too much to eat at one sitting. So, happy plan indeed!

What could go wrong? Read more

Something to Celebrate

44 Days and in Need of Joy

Something to Celebrate

Searching for something to celebrate after 44 days of sheltering-in-place, I turned to a website that lists “Daily Bizarre and Unique Calendar Holidays.” And with the month of April not quite over, I was in luck. Join me — from a socially safe distance — for an e-journey through the month’s extravaganza of unusual holidays. Read more

War of the Fake Meat-Eaters

Handsome Hubby vs. Me

The War of Fake Meat-Eaters

You’ve heard of the War of the Roses? The 100 Years War? WWI and WWII, of course. Well, welcome to my house and the War of the Fake Meat-Eaters vs. well, vs. Me.

It’s not a global battle, of course, but it is epic. Read more

Social Insecurity

65-Years-Old. Say It Ain't So!

Social Insecurity

Three months past my 65th birthday and the start of Social Security, and I’m midriff-deep in social insecurity. It’s my own fault.

First, I planned the whole 65th birthday “celebration” all wrong. Instead of accepting Handsome Hubby’s offer of a birthday party, Read more