Tag Archive for: middle-aged romance

Karen is the BEST Wife EVER!

by Guest Columnist Handsome Hubby

best wife ever

I am honored to be writing today as Muddling through Middle Age’s first guest columnist. I am especially honored to be writing about my wife, Karen Galatz, the BEST wife EVER! Read more

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Valentine’s Day Gift Wishes

I've Become THAT Kind of Girl!

It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I cannot believe it. To my horror, I’ve become that kind of woman. You know the kind. The kind that wants practical, not romantic gifts! Read more


Sleep Apnea? Not Me. No Way.

Except It Seems So

I’ve been a “teensy” tired lately. Well, honestly, I’ve been exhausted for months. I wake up tired no matter what time I go to sleep. No matter if I nap. No matter what. Sleep apnea, you surmise. No way, I say! Read more

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Bad Behavior Met with Sweet Forgiveness

In Praise of Handsome Hubby on his Birthday

My bad behavior is reward with sweet forgiveness

Sometimes, not often, bad behavior is rewarded with sweetness. This is my story of a lost ring, a lie, and one such sweet reward. Read more


Handsome Hubby has a New Honey

I've Been Replaced

Handsome Hubby has a new honey

I’m no longer the apple in Handsome Hubby’s eye. I’ve been replaced. It’s sad but true. My man has a new honey.   Read more

Nail Ridges: The Latest Sign of Aging

Down in the Valley, the Valley So Low

Amid pressing national concerns, I’m dealing with yet another personal aging crisis — nail ridges. Happily, at least, I’ve found a song to accompany me in my misery.

The song? Read more


Will My Vegan Spouse Become a Carnivore Again?

Be Still My Pounding Meat-Eating Heart and Stomach

Will my vegan spouse become a carnivore again

One year ago, my b-b-q pork and Rocky Road ice cream loving husband had a come-to-God moment and became a vegan. He did it for health reasons and he did it for the planet. Well, I don’t know what it’s done for the planet, but it’s rocked my meat-eating world. Now, happily, there’s hope my vegan spouse will become a carnivore again. Read more


A parting of the ways

I'm the one getting scalped!

Parting of the ways

Handsome Hubby and I are coming to a parting of the ways. Sad, but true. After 33 years (and three years of dating), HH wanted a change and a change he’s made. I pleaded and I begged but to no avail. There’s no turning back. Read more

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Love and Listening

Sorry. You Were Talking. I Wasn't Listening

annoyed wife talking and bored husband not listening

Longtime married couples think they’ve heard it all. But after decades, love and listening may go their separate ways. In which case, even the happiest of marrieds may discover they’ve missed something important. I know. It just happened to Handsome Hubby and me. Crisis loomed! Read more


Pharmacists, Not Diamonds, are My BFFs

Friends in Pharmaceutical Places

Pharmacists, not Diamonds

Marilyn Monroe famously and breathlessly proclaimed that diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Well, that may be so, but for middle-aged gals like me, pharmacists are the preferred BFFs.

And man, I don’t mean to brag but I’ve got multiple friends in pharmaceutical places!

And lately, I’ve needed them. Read more

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