It’s All a Blur. A Problem with My Eyes

At Last! An Old-Age Lament I'm Ok With!

A Problem with My Eyes

For at least a year now, I’ve noticed a problem with my eyes. No, that’s not specific enough. I’ve noticed a problem with my vision. No, that’s still not specific enough. For almost one year, I’ve had increasing trouble seeing. There. I’ve said it. I’m having trouble seeing. Read more


Clean Freak Meets Her Match

Dust and Debris, One. Housewife, Zero

Clean Freak Meets Her Match

I’m a clean freak but I’ve met my match. I’m sitting in the middle of my house, surrounded by dust. I could clean, but I’ve given up. Yes, I’ve thrown in the dust towel. Read more


Machismo on the Road

Fast Times. Big Trucks and Third-Finger Salutes

Machismo on the road

Here in the West, machismo on the road rules. It’s all about fast times. Big trucks. And go, man, go! Especially at a yellow light.

Just yesterday Handsome Hubby and I were reminded of that speed-up-at-a-yellow-light rule when Read more


My Face Has Gone to the Dogs

More Bow Wow than Wow

My face has gone to the dogs

When I was a child, my Uncle George would grab my cheeks so hard I thought he’d lift me off the ground.

“Such a shayna punim,” he’d exclaim with joy. (The term is Yiddish. It literally means “pretty face” but colloquially means what a pretty girl.)

“Yes!” my parents would reply with equal joy.

At 6, I hated Uncle George as I rubbed my aching cheeks, and I hated my parents for allowing this unwelcome greeting. Read more

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Some Say Whip It! Others Say Nay

Whip It Good? No Way!

Whip it

“Whip it good,” sang popular rock group DEVO in 1980, but today a group of downtown Reno residents is singing a different tune.

They say whips — yes, whips, the things cowboys typically use on horses — aren’t good for human bodies, souls, and most important of all, sleep. And the local PD agrees, Read more