It started with an email and two simple questions. I thought I’d get a few short replies. Instead, all week long, my inbox was flooded with replies. Clearly, I had touched a nerve.
We live in an age of techno wonders – drones, talking devices that tell us the time in Kuala Lumpur and how long to boil an egg. We can push a button on our smart phones to adjust the thermostat and raise the window shades. But helpless, hapless, middle-aged me still needs help. Here’s a list Galatz Galatz2019-10-16 08:01:482019-10-15 19:47:14Will Techno Wonders Never Cease? Can They Still Increase?
I mostly celebrate my age — 65 —but I admit some aspects of aging aren’t joyful. Here’s my list of 21 signs you’re getting older. Check it out. See what you’d add! You know you’re getting older when … …. You go to a rock concert and your friends pass around earplugs instead of drugs.
For most people, culinary single-use devices like strawberry hullers and cherry pitters are handy time-savers. But for cooking-klutz me, they are mostly cabinet space-stealing clutter, rarely, if ever, used. I’ve got ceramic pie weights to hold crust down and fancy cake pans in graduated sizes. The former was bought in a moment of wild baking
No ifs, ands or butt cheeks about it. Ladies, we have a new beauty regime to get on top of. Well, technically speaking, one we’ve got to get to the bottom of. Yes, gal pals, our rear ends are the latest beauty frontier! What’s good for the face – cleansers, toners, serums, oils, exfoliating scrubs,
First board meeting … of the new season … with the brand new artistic director. Everybody was on their best behavior, wanting to make a good impression. Galatz Galatz2019-09-18 08:01:042019-09-17 21:10:21Toastmasters or Just Plain Toast?
The Subject is Handbags
Size ... and Bags ... Matter
It started with an email and two simple questions. I thought I’d get a few short replies. Instead, all week long, my inbox was flooded with replies. Clearly, I had touched a nerve.
Will Techno Wonders Never Cease? Can They Still Increase?
Gadgets I Could Use
We live in an age of techno wonders – drones, talking devices that tell us the time in Kuala Lumpur and how long to boil an egg. We can push a button on our smart phones to adjust the thermostat and raise the window shades. But helpless, hapless, middle-aged me still needs help. Here’s a list
21 Signs You’re Getting Older
I mostly celebrate my age — 65 —but I admit some aspects of aging aren’t joyful. Here’s my list of 21 signs you’re getting older. Check it out. See what you’d add! You know you’re getting older when … …. You go to a rock concert and your friends pass around earplugs instead of drugs.
Single-Use Devices. Salvation or Sin?
Or How Rambo Came to Rule My Roost
For most people, culinary single-use devices like strawberry hullers and cherry pitters are handy time-savers. But for cooking-klutz me, they are mostly cabinet space-stealing clutter, rarely, if ever, used. I’ve got ceramic pie weights to hold crust down and fancy cake pans in graduated sizes. The former was bought in a moment of wild baking
Butt Cheeks and Botox
Is Twerkers' Compensation Far Behind?
No ifs, ands or butt cheeks about it. Ladies, we have a new beauty regime to get on top of. Well, technically speaking, one we’ve got to get to the bottom of. Yes, gal pals, our rear ends are the latest beauty frontier! What’s good for the face – cleansers, toners, serums, oils, exfoliating scrubs,
Toastmasters or Just Plain Toast?
Me? I was Burnt to a Crisp
First board meeting … of the new season … with the brand new artistic director. Everybody was on their best behavior, wanting to make a good impression.