The 10 Commandments serve us well, but in these Modern Times, I modestly propose an electronic update – 10 tech commandments – to the stone tablets Moses first delivered! Yes, in the “good” old days, the world was simpler, slower-paced, easier to understand or at least, so we recall. In today’s fast-moving tech world, we
Inspired by the glory of Antiques Roadshow, we’ve all got one. That one precious item we believe is valuable beyond our wildest dreams. The one that if we chose to sell it would put us, our kids, and our future grandkids on Easy Street FOREVER. It could be that ugly oil painting your grandmother bought years Galatz Galatz2019-03-13 08:01:422019-03-12 10:27:49I Hit It Big on Antiques Roadshow
Sometimes I worry I will run out of things to write about. Then I discover articles like “Cleavage Reboot: How to Smooth Out Chest Wrinkles,” and I realize I will never run out of “dire” aging maladies to worry – and write – about! Yes, chest wrinkles, a problem right up there with global warming, Galatz Galatz2019-03-06 08:01:562019-03-05 17:35:01A New Wrinkle in Time
A moment of celebration! Muddling through Middle Age just hit the century mark! This is my 100th blog, my 100th “light lament” for women (and men) of a certain age. And since it’s my party (or at least my blog), I’d like to pause, not cry as Leslie Gore did in her hit 1963 song Galatz Galatz2019-02-27 08:01:352019-02-26 09:13:11Happy 100th (Blog) to Muddling Me
Some people cannot find their phone. Others their keys. Me? It’s my reading glasses. I misplace them constantly and need them for everything. Oh, my middle-aged eyes. It’s just not fair. Yes, the worst part of growing old is reading glasses. By the age of 12, I was blind as a bat. Then I got
Lovers beware. I took a Valentine’s Day quiz to learn if my husband is “still utterly and totally in love.” The results? Let’s just say Handsome Hubby and I didn’t “ace” the test. In fact, it should have come with a warning: Danger Ahead! Galatz Galatz2019-02-13 08:57:002024-07-18 10:17:49Madly in Love or Just Mad?
10 Tech Commandments for Oldsters
Do Unto Others As Thou Would Internet Unto You
The 10 Commandments serve us well, but in these Modern Times, I modestly propose an electronic update – 10 tech commandments – to the stone tablets Moses first delivered! Yes, in the “good” old days, the world was simpler, slower-paced, easier to understand or at least, so we recall. In today’s fast-moving tech world, we
I Hit It Big on Antiques Roadshow
At Least in My Dreams
Inspired by the glory of Antiques Roadshow, we’ve all got one. That one precious item we believe is valuable beyond our wildest dreams. The one that if we chose to sell it would put us, our kids, and our future grandkids on Easy Street FOREVER. It could be that ugly oil painting your grandmother bought years
A New Wrinkle in Time
Chest Wrinkles. Who Knew?
Sometimes I worry I will run out of things to write about. Then I discover articles like “Cleavage Reboot: How to Smooth Out Chest Wrinkles,” and I realize I will never run out of “dire” aging maladies to worry – and write – about! Yes, chest wrinkles, a problem right up there with global warming,
Happy 100th (Blog) to Muddling Me
It's My Party and I'll Smile if I Want to!
A moment of celebration! Muddling through Middle Age just hit the century mark! This is my 100th blog, my 100th “light lament” for women (and men) of a certain age. And since it’s my party (or at least my blog), I’d like to pause, not cry as Leslie Gore did in her hit 1963 song
The Worst Part of Growing Old? Reading Glasses
Oh, My Aching Middle-Aged Eyes
Some people cannot find their phone. Others their keys. Me? It’s my reading glasses. I misplace them constantly and need them for everything. Oh, my middle-aged eyes. It’s just not fair. Yes, the worst part of growing old is reading glasses. By the age of 12, I was blind as a bat. Then I got
Madly in Love or Just Mad?
Danger Ahead: Valentine's Quiz
Lovers beware. I took a Valentine’s Day quiz to learn if my husband is “still utterly and totally in love.” The results? Let’s just say Handsome Hubby and I didn’t “ace” the test. In fact, it should have come with a warning: Danger Ahead!