Ah, if I ruled the world and could be Queen … just like on that popular TV show of decades ago, Queen for a Day. I’d right some wrongs, enforce some rules, and, maybe settle a petty score or two! I mean what’s power if you can’t abuse it just a teensy bit, all the
https://muddling.me/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Elizabeth_I_dup.jpg481600Karen Galatzhttps://muddling.me/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/kg-logo.pngKaren Galatz2019-02-06 08:01:112019-02-06 09:05:11If I Ruled the World
Everybody is obsessed with Marie Kondo and downsizing their possessions, especially clothes. Not me. I want more clothes, not less. Sweaters. Blouses. Dresses. Cute shoes. But there’s a problem – I’m shopping adverse. I hate going to a Mall and I’m not finding much success shopping online. I never liked shopping. Blame it on my
https://muddling.me/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Kondo-dup-2.jpg362546Karen Galatzhttps://muddling.me/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/kg-logo.pngKaren Galatz2019-01-30 08:01:592019-01-30 09:21:10Marie Kondo Sparks No Joy in Me
Handsome Hubby and I took a trip down the (graying) yellow brick road this past weekend and oh, what a trip it was! More precisely, we went to see Elton John perform, part of his multi-city, multi-year “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” concert tour. It was Handsome Hubby’s idea. He is a big Elton fan. I
It’s true as we get older, our memory and communication skills slip a bit. Why did I walk into this room? What did I have for lunch today? What did you just say? And sometimes, frustratingly, we have to search for a word that’s at the tip of our tongue. Yet, for all that, I
Just one week into the New Year and I was already backsliding into bad habits faster than a first-time skier hitting the slopes. Start that diet? Hard to do with all the holiday candy still casting its chocolaty come-hither glance at me. Exercise? How, when I could hardly move from all that candy-gorging I’m doing
https://muddling.me/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Lounge.jpg500600Karen Galatzhttps://muddling.me/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/kg-logo.pngKaren Galatz2019-01-09 08:01:242019-01-14 10:52:57Resolve to be Irresolute!
Coffee mug addiction. It is America’s not-so-hidden disease. It’s costly and dangerous AND no household is immune. Where once there was mere cabinet clutter, now there is a coffee cup contagion. Be honest. Do you recognize a loved one in the following words and thoughts? Do you recognize yourself? “Must stop.”
If I Ruled the World
Queen Me for a Day
Ah, if I ruled the world and could be Queen … just like on that popular TV show of decades ago, Queen for a Day. I’d right some wrongs, enforce some rules, and, maybe settle a petty score or two! I mean what’s power if you can’t abuse it just a teensy bit, all the
Marie Kondo Sparks No Joy in Me
Decluttering is Easy. Shopping is Hard.
Everybody is obsessed with Marie Kondo and downsizing their possessions, especially clothes. Not me. I want more clothes, not less. Sweaters. Blouses. Dresses. Cute shoes. But there’s a problem – I’m shopping adverse. I hate going to a Mall and I’m not finding much success shopping online. I never liked shopping. Blame it on my
Down the Graying Yellow Brick Road
Bring Your 8-Track Tapes and Geritol
Handsome Hubby and I took a trip down the (graying) yellow brick road this past weekend and oh, what a trip it was! More precisely, we went to see Elton John perform, part of his multi-city, multi-year “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” concert tour. It was Handsome Hubby’s idea. He is a big Elton fan. I
Words Fail Me
Middle-Aged and Needing New Words
It’s true as we get older, our memory and communication skills slip a bit. Why did I walk into this room? What did I have for lunch today? What did you just say? And sometimes, frustratingly, we have to search for a word that’s at the tip of our tongue. Yet, for all that, I
Resolve to be Irresolute!
Avoid New Year's Guilt
Just one week into the New Year and I was already backsliding into bad habits faster than a first-time skier hitting the slopes. Start that diet? Hard to do with all the holiday candy still casting its chocolaty come-hither glance at me. Exercise? How, when I could hardly move from all that candy-gorging I’m doing
Coffee Mug Addiction
Brother, can you spare a cup? 10? 20?
Coffee mug addiction. It is America’s not-so-hidden disease. It’s costly and dangerous AND no household is immune. Where once there was mere cabinet clutter, now there is a coffee cup contagion. Be honest. Do you recognize a loved one in the following words and thoughts? Do you recognize yourself? “Must stop.”