Rebranding is the rage. Dunkin’ Donuts and Weight Watchers are just the latest jumping on the name change bandwagon. And it’s got me thinking. Maybe middle-aged me could use a change too. After all, I don’t want to be one of those people who gets stuck in a rut. Shaking things up might be just
Fall fashion season is here. The runways are overflowing with willowy models and haute couture commentary. So, who am I, admittedly un-chic, un-willowy, to offer my own runaway thoughts about fashion and style? Just a middle-aged muddling mom (MAMM) with a far-from-the-runway point-of-view!
Handsome Hubby and I are approaching our 32nd wedding anniversary, and I must say we’ve really got the art of conversation down to a science. The renowned Navajo code-talkers have nothing on us. With just a few words, HH and I can decipher (and deride) each other’s meaning perfectly. Here are a few true-life conversations Galatz Galatz2018-09-19 08:01:352024-07-18 10:17:49The Art of Conversation, Marriage Edition
When the leaves start falling, a woman’s thoughts turn to … pantyhose? Well, for some of us. It’s true. I belong to a dying breed of never-go-bare-legged women. Rare among womankind today, I wear pantyhose. Not just with formal night attire, but during the day too. Even in the summer. Even in the East when
Labor Day has passed, signaling the end of summer’s leisurely pursuits. It’s time to get organized for autumn. So, I’m clearing the deck – and my inbox – for a fresh season of writing. And from that inbox, here are a few tidbits that I didn’t develop into full-fledged stories, but still, are designed to
I stepped out of the bathroom, all shiny and clean, a hint of make-up, my hair perfectly coiffed. I was all set for my big appointment of the day. “You showered? You washed your hair?” commented my husband with a quizzical look. “Odd.” “Well, it’s the first time,” I explained, somewhat annoyed I felt the Galatz Galatz2018-08-29 08:01:372018-08-28 12:58:41T is for Torture and Treadmill
Rebranding: Dunkin’ Donuts … and Me?
The Name Game
Rebranding is the rage. Dunkin’ Donuts and Weight Watchers are just the latest jumping on the name change bandwagon. And it’s got me thinking. Maybe middle-aged me could use a change too. After all, I don’t want to be one of those people who gets stuck in a rut. Shaking things up might be just
Far-from-the-Runway Runaway Thoughts
An Unstylish Fashion Maven Speaks Her Mind!
Fall fashion season is here. The runways are overflowing with willowy models and haute couture commentary. So, who am I, admittedly un-chic, un-willowy, to offer my own runaway thoughts about fashion and style? Just a middle-aged muddling mom (MAMM) with a far-from-the-runway point-of-view!
The Art of Conversation, Marriage Edition
Handsome Hubby and I are approaching our 32nd wedding anniversary, and I must say we’ve really got the art of conversation down to a science. The renowned Navajo code-talkers have nothing on us. With just a few words, HH and I can decipher (and deride) each other’s meaning perfectly. Here are a few true-life conversations
In Praise of Pantyhose
A Princess and This Pauper Share Sheer Delights
When the leaves start falling, a woman’s thoughts turn to … pantyhose? Well, for some of us. It’s true. I belong to a dying breed of never-go-bare-legged women. Rare among womankind today, I wear pantyhose. Not just with formal night attire, but during the day too. Even in the summer. Even in the East when
From Kardashians to Musical Buffalo
Summer Endnotes from Muddling Me
Labor Day has passed, signaling the end of summer’s leisurely pursuits. It’s time to get organized for autumn. So, I’m clearing the deck – and my inbox – for a fresh season of writing. And from that inbox, here are a few tidbits that I didn’t develop into full-fledged stories, but still, are designed to
T is for Torture and Treadmill
Step Lively or Die
I stepped out of the bathroom, all shiny and clean, a hint of make-up, my hair perfectly coiffed. I was all set for my big appointment of the day. “You showered? You washed your hair?” commented my husband with a quizzical look. “Odd.” “Well, it’s the first time,” I explained, somewhat annoyed I felt the