My recipe for good health and vitality is not fresh fruit, but vanity. Yes, apples are nice, but compliments are so much better. Yesterday I had several errands to run and a few appointments to keep. It was a busy day. So, I made an effort, did a bit more than just throw on some Galatz Galatz2017-09-27 08:04:572018-10-05 11:41:39Apples are OK. Compliments are Better
A recent Saturday night at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley, Ca. Handsome Hubby and I went to the famed venue for the first time to see Beck, a musician I have long admired and long wanted to see. The concert was sold out, but a friend gave us her VIP tickets. What a generous treat.
Hillary Clinton recently revealed how creeped out she felt when Donald Trump lumbered along behind her during the debates and how sorry she was she hadn’t told him to back off. Well, I recently had my own shout-out moment, and I’m proud to say I took it. Now no one would ever accuse me of
Something was lacking in our marriage and I hadn’t even realized it. Then it hit me. We don’t have a special song. Now I worry. Can the marriage be saved? Galatz Galatz2017-09-06 09:26:412024-07-18 10:24:40We Don’t Have a Special Song
Early in our marriage, my husband and I kept track of who owed whom what. We kept itemized lists for most everything, but most of all, we counted movies. I liked foreign films, preferably with subtitles. He liked, no, loved, action films, preferably with lots of blood. Usually, it was a zero-sum game. One foreign
Both the mighty and the not-so-mighty worry. Shakespeare’s Prince Hamlet pondered lofty questions from his castle keep; I ponder less esoteric topics like how to keep olive oil. Hamlet contemplated the unfairness of life and debated avenging his father’s murder by his uncle, now stepfather and king. He pondered life itself: To be, or not Galatz Galatz2017-08-23 09:53:352018-10-05 11:41:40Where Do You Keep Your Olive Oil?
Apples are OK. Compliments are Better
A Compliment a Day Keeps the Old Age Blues at Bay
My recipe for good health and vitality is not fresh fruit, but vanity. Yes, apples are nice, but compliments are so much better. Yesterday I had several errands to run and a few appointments to keep. It was a busy day. So, I made an effort, did a bit more than just throw on some
Second-Hand Dope
Smoke Gets in Your Eyes, Lungs ...
A recent Saturday night at the Greek Theatre in Berkeley, Ca. Handsome Hubby and I went to the famed venue for the first time to see Beck, a musician I have long admired and long wanted to see. The concert was sold out, but a friend gave us her VIP tickets. What a generous treat.
My Shout-Out Moment
Standing Up for Myself
Hillary Clinton recently revealed how creeped out she felt when Donald Trump lumbered along behind her during the debates and how sorry she was she hadn’t told him to back off. Well, I recently had my own shout-out moment, and I’m proud to say I took it. Now no one would ever accuse me of
We Don’t Have a Special Song
Can the Marriage be Saved?
Something was lacking in our marriage and I hadn’t even realized it. Then it hit me. We don’t have a special song. Now I worry. Can the marriage be saved?
Scratchy Sheets and Thread Counts
We're Having Trouble Under the Covers
Early in our marriage, my husband and I kept track of who owed whom what. We kept itemized lists for most everything, but most of all, we counted movies. I liked foreign films, preferably with subtitles. He liked, no, loved, action films, preferably with lots of blood. Usually, it was a zero-sum game. One foreign
Where Do You Keep Your Olive Oil?
Culinary Questions Meet Midlife Uncertainty
Both the mighty and the not-so-mighty worry. Shakespeare’s Prince Hamlet pondered lofty questions from his castle keep; I ponder less esoteric topics like how to keep olive oil. Hamlet contemplated the unfairness of life and debated avenging his father’s murder by his uncle, now stepfather and king. He pondered life itself: To be, or not