Karen is the BEST Wife EVER!

by Guest Columnist Handsome Hubby

best wife ever

I am honored to be writing today as Muddling through Middle Age’s first guest columnist. I am especially honored to be writing about my wife, Karen Galatz, the BEST wife EVER! Read more

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Marching Forward with My March Diet

Do or Diet!

March Diet

January resolutions have come and gone. February Valentine’s Day chocolates have long been gobbled down. Now, I’m marching forward with my March diet.

Call it March madness if you will, but my diet is prompted not by thoughts of Spring and swimsuits but by Read more

Size Matters

Say What?

Size matters

Handsome Hubby and I have been happily married for 36 years but since moving to Reno, Nevada, I’ve begun casting a wandering, lustful eye at my neighbors to the left and to the right. The reason? Size matters!

Read more


Physics Flop

Foiled Again!

Physics Flop

I’m in a doomed relationship with Physics. Yes, Physics, the science of the nature and properties of energy and matter. In short, the science of everything. For decades, I’ve tried to learn the basics, only to give up baffled and defeated. If you, like me, have a subject or skill you long to master, I’m sure you can relate. Now, old, I still try — as Olivia Newton-John suggested in a song, — to “Get Physic-al.” Read more

Out, Out Damn Gnats

Buggy Over Bugs!

Out, Out Damn Gnats

Domestic calamities come in all sizes and shapes. This one, I grant you is small, but since I am a writer who believes all molehills can be made into mountains — or at least blogs, please read my sad saga of the gnats that plague my plants, my house, indeed my very soul. Read more
