Tag Archive for: sexism

A Woman Your Age, Said the Doctor

You Talkin' to Me?

A woman your age

“A woman your age …” said the allergist.

She continued, but I wasn’t listening. I couldn’t. I was struck dumb by those words. Surely, she was talking to someone else in the room? Someone old. Not chic, well-groomed, hair-dyed, cool, with-it me?

But since nobody else was in the room, she definitely was talking to me! Yikes, ouch, and oy vey! Read more

As We Age, Doctors Say the Darndest Things

Physician, Heal Thyself!

As we age

“As we age …”

“I assume you’re retired.”

“It’s just part of the aging process.”

These phrases are part of my new — and offensive — normal, as I make my unmerry round of first-time doctor appointments in our new hometown. Read more


Picking Apart Lady Pockets

Holey Sexism!

let's pick apart ladies pockets

Let’s talk pockets. More specifically, the lack of proper lady pockets. It’s a problem every female from seven to seventy-seven knows too well. Read more


In Belgium, They Just Convicted a Man for Sexism

I Call That a Good Start

In Belgium, a man was convicted of sexism

In Belgium, they just convicted a man of sexism. It’s true.

For the first time since a law was passed four years ago, a criminal court there convicted a man of “sexism in the public space.” The Belgians were a little slow on implementation, but still, the conviction is something.

The man was fined almost $4,000 for verbally abusing a female police officer who tried to question him after he was seen jaywalking.

Viewed through the lens of the #MeToo movement and through the soul of every woman who has suffered an unwelcome catcall and stare while walking down the street, this development is welcome indeed.

Yet, somehow this law makes me dream even bigger. I long to legislate boorish behavior across a wide spectrum of issues in all sorts of public spaces. Read more