Tag Archive for: sleep

A Champion Napper Meets Her Match

Thousands of Naps Per Day!

A champion napper

I’m not much of an animal lover. I’m scared of dogs. Allergic to cats and during my parenting years, I witnessed the demise of too many goldfish, gerbils, and hermit crabs to count. So, it is with the greatest irony I find myself identifying with — no, make that, jealous of — one creature in the vast animal kingdom.

The animal? Read more

Wanted: Sleep Solutions STAT

Sleepy and Grouchy are We

Wanted: Sleep Solutions STAT!

Lately, I’ve taken to saving articles I’m too tired to read for a later date. The topics of the articles? How to get a better night’s sleep! Ironic, no? I’m too tired to read articles about how to get enough sleep! So, sadly, I remain a woman seeking sleep solutions STAT! Read more


My Kingdom for a Good Night’s Sleep

Still, I am not Inspired to Inspire™. Rivet!

A Good Night's Sleep

My struggles with sleep apnea continue. I got a CPAP machine in the Fall but cannot get acclimated to it. I just came back from an appointment to consider getting the Inspire™ implant (more on that in a moment) and all I can say is: I’m not inspired. So, I’m still exhausted and cranky. My kingdom for a good night’s sleep! Read more

Sleep Apnea? Not Me. No Way.

Except It Seems So

I’ve been a “teensy” tired lately. Well, honestly, I’ve been exhausted for months. I wake up tired no matter what time I go to sleep. No matter if I nap. No matter what. Sleep apnea, you surmise. No way, I say! Read more

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Millennials Don’t Give a Sheet

And They Don't Make Their Beds Either!

Millennials Don't Give a Sheet

I couldn’t sleep last night. As I tossed and turned, I read an article that got me in a dither: Millennials don’t give a sheet! That’s right – they are rejecting top sheets. So, of course, I got up on the wrong side of the bed today, and as I made the bed, I decided I wanted to vent about, of all things, all things bedding!

A lot has changed in the world of bedding since I was a little girl. First, there’s this sheet crisis! Read more


Scratchy Sheets and Thread Counts

We're Having Trouble Under the Covers

unhappy couple peering out from under marriage sheets

Early in our marriage, my husband and I kept track of who owed whom what. We kept itemized lists for most everything, but most of all, we counted movies. I liked foreign films, preferably with subtitles. He liked, no, loved, action films, preferably with lots of blood.

Usually, it was a zero-sum game. One foreign film for one action flick. If the foreign film was so boring that even I had to admit it was boring, I had to pay up with two action films in a row. If the bloody action film was so violent that even Handsome Hubby (HH) had to look away, I’d get two foreign flicks as recompense.

Then, at some point through the many years and the many movies, the system broke down. We stopped counting. As long as there was good popcorn and the seats were comfortable, we were a happy movie-going couple. No give and take required. A natural film equilibrium had been achieved. We both took this as a sign of middle-aged marital bliss and contentment.

The Battle of the Bed

But, of late, a new source of counting has creased our otherwise happy marital countenance. We’re having trouble in the bedroom, more specifically in bed. Read more
