Stories About Midlife Romance

I Want to be a Celebrity Wife

My "Wine Me, Dine Me" Summertime Whine

I want to be a celebrity wife.

It’s the end of summer and I’m feeling restless. Discontent. Work-a-holic Handsome Hubby won’t take a vacation. All I do is slouch around, wearing baggy sweatpants and jeans. Clearly, I’m in a rut. What to do? Based on reading People Magazine, the “only” solution to my summer ennui is to marry a mega-star and become a super-hot celebrity wife. Read more

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Handsome Hubby is Hot

An Ode to AC, Not Me

Handsome Hubby is Hot

HH is hot and happy. For him, it’s Christmas in July. Well, August. Of course, energy efficiency is the reason. Read more


Relationship Red Flags and Now, Beige Flags

Should This Relationship Be Saved?

Relationship red and beige flags

Young moderns face a maze of dating conundrums that we muddling middle-agers luckily avoided. Dating apps, a smorgasbord of scary social diseases we never heard of, and casual sexual practices that make me cringe. Yet, some things about dating remain the same — relationship red flags! You know, glaring — blazing — warning signs that a potential partner is a mega-no-no.

Still, today, life and dating seem more complicated, and youngins not only have red and green flags to signal relationship status in their social media conversations, they’ve also added “beige flags” to the online conversation mix. Read more


Karen is the BEST Wife EVER!

by Guest Columnist Handsome Hubby

best wife ever

I am honored to be writing today as Muddling through Middle Age’s first guest columnist. I am especially honored to be writing about my wife, Karen Galatz, the BEST wife EVER! Read more

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Size Matters

Say What?

Size matters

Handsome Hubby and I have been happily married for 36 years but since moving to Reno, Nevada, I’ve begun casting a wandering, lustful eye at my neighbors to the left and to the right. The reason? Size matters!

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Valentine’s Day Gift Wishes

I've Become THAT Kind of Girl!

It’s almost Valentine’s Day and I cannot believe it. To my horror, I’ve become that kind of woman. You know the kind. The kind that wants practical, not romantic gifts! Read more


Five Days, Seven Shows

But Like All Good Plans, Something Unplanned Occurred

Seven shows

After three years of pandemic small world-ness, I was yearning for a trip “home.” Thirty-six months away from NYC, my childhood and forever spiritual home, was too long. An eternity. Now, finally, we were heading back. The plan: five days, seven shows. What could go wrong?  Read more

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8 Tips for Holiday Gift-GETTING Fulfillment

Sure-Fire Ways to Get the Gifts YOU Want

Gift-getting fulfillment

Thanksgiving is over. Cyber and store sales are in full swing. Time to write my holiday gift list. I’m not talking about my holiday gift-giving list. I’m talking about my gift-getting list. Oh, as I like to call it, my “Really, Really Want, Gotta Have, Pretty Please, If you Love Me” gift-getting fulfillment list. Read more

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Wanted: Sleep Solutions STAT

Sleepy and Grouchy are We

Wanted: Sleep Solutions STAT!

Lately, I’ve taken to saving articles I’m too tired to read for a later date. The topics of the articles? How to get a better night’s sleep! Ironic, no? I’m too tired to read articles about how to get enough sleep! So, sadly, I remain a woman seeking sleep solutions STAT! Read more
