Laments About Muddled With Family

Five Days, Seven Shows

But Like All Good Plans, Something Unplanned Occurred

Seven shows

After three years of pandemic small world-ness, I was yearning for a trip “home.” Thirty-six months away from NYC, my childhood and forever spiritual home, was too long. An eternity. Now, finally, we were heading back. The plan: five days, seven shows. What could go wrong?  Read more

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Channeling My Channel Confusion

So Many Streaming Services. So Many Passwords

Channeling Channel Confusion

So many great programs to watch at home these days, but accessing them is an exercise in channel confusion. Every time I pick something to view, I discover it’s only available on a streaming service we don’t subscribe to.

The problem — and my frustration — is especially acute Read more


8 Tips for Holiday Gift-GETTING Fulfillment

Sure-Fire Ways to Get the Gifts YOU Want

Gift-getting fulfillment

Thanksgiving is over. Cyber and store sales are in full swing. Time to write my holiday gift list. I’m not talking about my holiday gift-giving list. I’m talking about my gift-getting list. Oh, as I like to call it, my “Really, Really Want, Gotta Have, Pretty Please, If you Love Me” gift-getting fulfillment list. Read more

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Wanted: Sleep Solutions STAT

Sleepy and Grouchy are We

Wanted: Sleep Solutions STAT!

Lately, I’ve taken to saving articles I’m too tired to read for a later date. The topics of the articles? How to get a better night’s sleep! Ironic, no? I’m too tired to read articles about how to get enough sleep! So, sadly, I remain a woman seeking sleep solutions STAT! Read more


In Praise of a Short-Order Cook

A Sentimental Blog about Short-Order Cooks and My Father

short order cook

When I was 12, I had a terrible ear infection. We had just moved across the country to a new town. I didn’t know anybody, couldn’t go to school, was in pain, had balance problems, and was just miserable. But I found weekly salvation in the kindness of a short-order cook and my father. Read more

Torn Jeans, Tattoos and Other Taboos

Pity Poor Me

Torn Jeans, Tattoos and Taboos

Growing up, I chafed under three parental fashion edicts — no tattoos, no pierced ears, and no torn jeans with frayed edges or holes. Oh, the life of a suffering teenager! Read more


Home Decorating Magazine Addict

A Designing Woman — In My Dreams

Home Decorating Magazine Addict

Each month I haunt the mailbox, eagerly awaiting the latest edition of my favorite home decorating magazine. I thrill flipping through the pages. Yet, even then, my desire isn’t satisfied. Sadly, I’m a home decorating magazine addict, craving more and more. Read more


It was a Bad, No Good, Rotten, Stinky Week

And It Was My Own Fault

It was a rotten week

Oh, what a week! It was, in fact, a no good, rotten, stinky week. I was supposed to be in NYC for the first time since the pandemic. I was supposed to see two Broadway shows. Supposed to see an exhibit of theater memorabilia. Supposed to see one of my best friends. And most important of all, I was supposed to attend my niece’s graduation.

I was supposed to do all that and I couldn’t. The worst part: the reason I couldn’t travel was my own fault. Read more


“Real” Men Don’t Do Baths. Really?

Rub-a-dub-dub-dub. No Men in a Tub!

Real Men Don't Do Tubs

Why do women love to take baths and men view them as something akin to waterboarding? This I do not understand. Yet, statistically speaking, it’s so. Most men don’t do baths, viewing them as “girly” and a waste of time.

Now, before you flood my inbox (and my bathroom) with protests to the contrary, Read more

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Why Do Some Marriages Last? Why Do Some Fail?

A Query Sparked by 4th of July Fireworks

Why do some marriages last? Why do some fail?

The Fourth of July is a sentimental favorite holiday for my family. My parents met on a blind date at Coney Island that evening. There were fireworks then and for five decades after! They were as different as day and night. As I think about them, I often wonder why do some marriages last and why others fail? Read more
