First of all, who knew prodependency was a word, no less a thing? But sure enough, it is both. So, now you — and me — know. This new buzzy psychological term is different than codependency, which most of us are familiar with. Galatz Galatz2022-01-26 08:01:182022-01-26 08:44:33Prodependency Like the Pros
Somebody important died. He was important to the nation. He was important to his home state. To his family. And he was important to my family. His name was Harry Reid. Galatz Galatz2022-01-12 08:01:232022-01-11 17:18:09Good-bye to a Friend, Harry Reid
We Karens have taken it on the chin in recent years, becoming a globally derided meme for racist, elitist, and generally nasty behavior. Well, now Karens of the world, take heart! It seems the only thing worse than being named Karen these days is having an ‘I’ name! Here’s why: Galatz Galatz2022-01-05 08:01:152022-01-04 10:42:42Karens of the World, Take Heart
I’m avoiding the January rush, admitting early my abysmal history of failed New Year’s Resolutions. I know I won’t lose 10 pounds. Know I won’t exercise more. Know I won’t eat healthier. And, more importantly, know I won’t be a kinder, more patient person. After 67 years, why go through the painful effort of trying? Galatz Galatz2021-12-29 08:01:472021-12-28 08:43:23A Head Start on Failed New Year’s Resolutions
Last week was our 35th wedding anniversary. You might think after all these years that passion has abated in our marriage, but you’d be wrong. Handsome Hubby is still one hot honey. As for me, I thought I knew the way to a man’s heart, but this year … Well, this year was a bit Galatz Galatz2021-12-15 08:01:272021-12-15 09:35:51The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through His …
Prodependency Like the Pros
Ina and Her Jeffrey. HH and Me
First of all, who knew prodependency was a word, no less a thing? But sure enough, it is both. So, now you — and me — know. This new buzzy psychological term is different than codependency, which most of us are familiar with.
Good-bye to a Friend, Harry Reid
A Personal, Not Political, Memorial
Somebody important died. He was important to the nation. He was important to his home state. To his family. And he was important to my family. His name was Harry Reid.
Karens of the World, Take Heart
We Coulda Been Irmas, Irenes ... or Igors!
We Karens have taken it on the chin in recent years, becoming a globally derided meme for racist, elitist, and generally nasty behavior. Well, now Karens of the world, take heart! It seems the only thing worse than being named Karen these days is having an ‘I’ name! Here’s why:
A Head Start on Failed New Year’s Resolutions
Slouching into 2022
I’m avoiding the January rush, admitting early my abysmal history of failed New Year’s Resolutions. I know I won’t lose 10 pounds. Know I won’t exercise more. Know I won’t eat healthier. And, more importantly, know I won’t be a kinder, more patient person. After 67 years, why go through the painful effort of trying?
Season’s Greetings
Merry, Bright and Healthy
Stay Warm. Stay Healthy. Jolly and Merry. Cuddle with those you love.
The Way to a Man’s Heart is Through His …
All Hail the Spicy Crab Pot
Last week was our 35th wedding anniversary. You might think after all these years that passion has abated in our marriage, but you’d be wrong. Handsome Hubby is still one hot honey. As for me, I thought I knew the way to a man’s heart, but this year … Well, this year was a bit