Giving My Regards to Broadway

Greetings from a Broadway Baby

Giving My Regards to Broadway

Some go fishing. Some go shopping. I go show-hopping along the Great White Way aka Broadway.

Yes, I’m spending the week in NYC, seeing shows till my eyes bulge out!

But, alas, only six shows this trip. Deferring to Handsome Hubby’s wishes, Read more

Ashes into Diamonds

They're Not Kidding. Diamonds Really are Forever

ashes to diamonds

Diamonds are forever. So goes the old marketing slogan. But now, thanks to high tech advances, there’s a whole new spin on the meaning of “forever,” because companies can turn your deceased loved one’s cremated ashes into sparkling memorial diamonds.

All it takes is eight ounces of ashes – or if you prefer, 10 ounces of cremated bones, or a mere 0.4 ounces of hair.

Some call it science. But to me, it more voodoo than I love you. Read more


Wildfires, Earthquakes, Power Outages

Just Another Day in CA

Earthquakes, fires and power outages

Forget about a Zombie apocalypse. I live in California where we worry weekly about wildfires, earthquakes, and “scheduled” power outages.

Back East, we worried about terrorist attacks, but since moving to the San Francisco Bay, I’ve learned the true meaning of terror. Here dinner conversations are just as likely to focus on “What’s in your ‘to-go’ bag and earthquake kit?” as on politics, the environment, and favorite TV show. Read more


The Ladies Who Schlep

The Subject is (Still) Handbags

The ladies who schlep

I hate to sound sexist, but as soon as baby boys can grasp objects, they’re given baseballs and footballs. Girls, on the other hand, are often given purses to carry. And all those little girls turn into, yes, the ladies who schlep. They may schlep handbags, tote bags, briefcases or backpacks, but schlep they do. And they’re not just hauling around lipstick and lunch, but also, memories and money, smartphones, and status symbols.

“Of course, a bag is important. It’s my home away from home.”
Sornam S. 

In case you missed it, Read more


The Subject is Handbags

Size ... and Bags ... Matter

The subject is handbags

It started with an email and two simple questions. I thought I’d get a few short replies. Instead, all week long, my inbox was flooded with replies. Clearly, I had touched a nerve. Read more


Will Techno Wonders Never Cease? Can They Still Increase?

Gadgets I Could Use

Rube Goldberg's self-operating napkin

We live in an age of techno wonders – drones, talking devices that tell us the time in Kuala Lumpur and how long to boil an egg. We can push a button on our smart phones to adjust the thermostat and raise the window shades. But helpless, hapless, middle-aged me still needs help.

Here’s a list of techno-assists I desire:

1. A loud (really loud) buzzer that Read more