The Christmas ornaments are packed. The menorahs have been scrubbed clean of their candle wax. All that remains of holiday fun are the bills to pay and the excess weight we need to lose. Of course, there are all those pesky resolutions we need to start fulfilling!
What are your resolutions? Exercise more? Eat better? Become more productive? Be kinder? All good goals, no doubt, but here’s a novel resolution — how about doing less and relaxing more? Read more Galatz Galatz2025-01-08 08:06:352025-01-07 12:10:31‘Tis the Season to Make Resolutions
I like to get my New Year’s resolutions stated, started — and failed — early. That way I can begin the new year with my guilt gone and sense of order intact. “Same old. Same old me” is my mantra.
We all know exercise is good for you, at least that’s what the experts say. But I’m beginning to have my doubts. And fitness slacker that I am, I dare to pose the question: Read more
I’m avoiding the January rush, admitting early my abysmal history of failed New Year’s Resolutions. I know I won’t lose 10 pounds. Know I won’t exercise more. Know I won’t eat healthier. And, more importantly, know I won’t be a kinder, more patient person.
After 67 years, why go through the painful effort of trying? Read more Galatz Galatz2021-12-29 08:01:472021-12-28 08:43:23A Head Start on Failed New Year’s Resolutions
Sigh! It’s that time of year. Time for New Year’s Resolutions. Time also for that pesky, but inevitable New Year’s Resolutions’ Guilt. You know, the guilt that comes when you fail to achieve all those bright shiny resolutions.
Well, be of good cheer. I am here to help! Read more
Just one week into the New Year and I was already backsliding into bad habits faster than a first-time skier hitting the slopes.
Start that diet? Hard to do with all the holiday candy still casting its chocolaty come-hither glance at me.
Exercise? How, when I could hardly move from all that candy-gorging I’m doing 24/7?
Be a better person? Who was I kidding? That was never going to happen, sugar-rush or no sugar-rush.
So, just days into the New Year, I decided to drop the pretense. Skip the guilt. Avoid making – and breaking – those resolutions of yesteryears to eat less, exercise more, and be a better person. I decided to just hunker down and continue living in my usual slovenly, unhealthy, impatient way. Galatz Galatz2019-01-09 08:01:242019-01-14 10:52:57Resolve to be Irresolute!