She continued, but I wasn’t listening. I couldn’t. I was struck dumb by those words. Surely, she was talking to someone else in the room? Someone old. Not chic, well-groomed, hair-dyed, cool, with-it me?
But since nobody else was in the room, she definitely was talking to me! Yikes, ouch, and oy vey!Read more Galatz Galatz2025-03-19 08:01:192025-03-19 09:21:25A Woman Your Age, Said the Doctor
When I was young, I sniffed and sneered at the idea of plastic surgery. Now that I’ve reached what is politely called “a certain age,” I’m not so sure. At 69, my jowls have headed south, and my neck waddle rivals a turkey. As a result, I’ve become plastic surgery curious. Very curious. Read more Galatz Galatz2024-02-07 08:01:412024-02-05 13:26:55Call Me Plastic Surgery Curious
It’s my 68th birthday. I’m not having a party, but I do have a few random thoughts on texting, cartoons, and not-so-complimentary compliments. Read more Galatz Galatz2022-05-18 08:01:292022-05-18 09:20:22It’s My Birthday and I’ll Ramble If I Want To!
Much like Scarlett O’Hara, I once took much pride in my tiny waist. But that was long ago. Now, more like Santa Claus, I have belly fat. But no belly laughs from me. More, oh, no, no than ho, ho, ho!
Yes, once, I was a lass with a classic hourglass figure, but time, Read more Galatz Galatz2021-10-20 08:01:102021-10-20 09:26:27My Face Has Gone to the Dogs
Just one week into the New Year and I was already backsliding into bad habits faster than a first-time skier hitting the slopes.
Start that diet? Hard to do with all the holiday candy still casting its chocolaty come-hither glance at me.
Exercise? How, when I could hardly move from all that candy-gorging I’m doing 24/7?
Be a better person? Who was I kidding? That was never going to happen, sugar-rush or no sugar-rush.
So, just days into the New Year, I decided to drop the pretense. Skip the guilt. Avoid making – and breaking – those resolutions of yesteryears to eat less, exercise more, and be a better person. I decided to just hunker down and continue living in my usual slovenly, unhealthy, impatient way. Galatz Galatz2019-01-09 08:01:242019-01-14 10:52:57Resolve to be Irresolute!
‘Tis the season to over-indulge, true. But, alas, ’tis also the season to sequin, shimmy, and shake – all of which challenge chubby, out-of-shape, middle-aged me.
And while I can still wedge myself into my cute holiday clothes, do I look cute? Hardly. I more resemble that lump of coal Santa leaves children who have been naughty, not nice, than I do some hot party babe.
So, sadly I’m giving myself a Spanx-ing. Read more
Richard Nixon and I sadly have something in common. Jowls. I’ve tried to ignore the problem, but jowls and jawlines are in the news. So, what can I do?
Yes, regrettably, I – the anti-plastic surgery woman – am once again day-dreaming about plastic surgery. Read more Galatz Galatz2018-11-14 08:01:092018-11-13 18:01:07Nixon and Me: United in Jowls
I’ve got religion! And like all religious zealots, I speak of nothing else. My new-found religion is not a traditional religion, nor is it New Age hippy, dippy. My new religion is my new diet. More specifically, it is my new-found diet success! Read more