Handsome Hubby is Hot

An Ode to AC, Not Me

Handsome Hubby is Hot

HH is hot and happy. For him, it’s Christmas in July. Well, August. Of course, energy efficiency is the reason. Read more


Something in the Water

Fitness Fights are Not Fun

Something in the water

There must be something in the water! For the past week, there’s been absolute warfare in the pool at my gym. I kid you not. The matronly “ladies” in my Aqua Fitness class have been more focused on throwing fits than actual fitness. It’s downright disturbing! Read more

Courage. That’s the Ticket

Less of a Ha-ha Blog. More of an A-ha Moment


I keep reading articles stressing the importance of resilience as we age and believe me, I’m not knocking its value. But two weeks ago, I was reminded about the need for another trait — courage. Read more

Never a HOA Again

Give Me Land. Lots of Land. Don't Fence Me In!

Never a HOA Again

It’s not quite the Homeowners’ Association from Hell, I grant you that, but still, ours is a pip. Its non-stop “well-meaning” intrusiveness is enough to make Handsome Hubby and I swear, “Never a HOA again.”

Happily, we live in an email world. So much of this HOA contact comes via a blizzard of electronic messages.

The latest alerts: rattlesnakes! Read more

Relationship Red Flags and Now, Beige Flags

Should This Relationship Be Saved?

Relationship red and beige flags

Young moderns face a maze of dating conundrums that we muddling middle-agers luckily avoided. Dating apps, a smorgasbord of scary social diseases we never heard of, and casual sexual practices that make me cringe. Yet, some things about dating remain the same — relationship red flags! You know, glaring — blazing — warning signs that a potential partner is a mega-no-no.

Still, today, life and dating seem more complicated, and youngins not only have red and green flags to signal relationship status in their social media conversations, they’ve also added “beige flags” to the online conversation mix. Read more


The Bearer of Bad News? Not I!

One Ringy Dingy

The Bearer of Bad News

I called my 31-year-old son the other day. His first words were, “What’s the matter? What’s wrong now?”

Does he perceive that I am always the bearer of bad news? Yikes! Is he right? Am I always calling with bad news? Worse yet, is there only bad news to convey? Read more
