The trip was one-part anniversary present, one-part dream travel destination. Most of all, it was a long, longed-for spiritual re-connection with my father gone from my life for almost 40 years. The trip: to witness the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights.
It’s been quite a week, both glorious and hard. We just returned from an amazing anniversary journey to witness the famed Northern Lights which was a long-time dream of mine. However, the return home was marked by multiple epic fails, most of my own doing. Here are just a few of the lowlights. Galatz Galatz2024-02-21 08:01:182024-02-20 13:26:43Epic Fails. In the Gym. In the Kitchen.
When I was young, I sniffed and sneered at the idea of plastic surgery. Now that I’ve reached what is politely called “a certain age,” I’m not so sure. At 69, my jowls have headed south, and my neck waddle rivals a turkey. As a result, I’ve become plastic surgery curious. Very curious. Galatz Galatz2024-02-07 08:01:412024-02-05 13:26:55Call Me Plastic Surgery Curious
I recently saw a list of 55 household items mature women should throw out. It was a curious grab bag featuring futons, wire hangers, and souvenir shot glasses. Useful suggestions (I suppose), but lacking in deep, meaningful advice we older women need So, to correct that omission, here are my 3 Things Older Women Should Galatz Galatz2024-01-24 08:01:332024-01-23 13:29:423 Things Older Women Should Ditch ASAP
I’m not much of an animal lover. I’m scared of dogs. Allergic to cats and during my parenting years, I witnessed the demise of too many goldfish, gerbils, and hermit crabs to count. So, it is with the greatest irony I find myself identifying with — no, make that, jealous of — one creature in Galatz Galatz2024-01-10 08:01:222024-07-18 09:44:43A Champion Napper Meets Her Match
Northern Lights. Familial Sights
Connecting with Nature. Connecting with my Father
The trip was one-part anniversary present, one-part dream travel destination. Most of all, it was a long, longed-for spiritual re-connection with my father gone from my life for almost 40 years. The trip: to witness the Aurora Borealis, the Northern Lights.
Epic Fails. In the Gym. In the Kitchen.
It’s been quite a week, both glorious and hard. We just returned from an amazing anniversary journey to witness the famed Northern Lights which was a long-time dream of mine. However, the return home was marked by multiple epic fails, most of my own doing. Here are just a few of the lowlights.
Call Me Plastic Surgery Curious
Pondering a Facelift
When I was young, I sniffed and sneered at the idea of plastic surgery. Now that I’ve reached what is politely called “a certain age,” I’m not so sure. At 69, my jowls have headed south, and my neck waddle rivals a turkey. As a result, I’ve become plastic surgery curious. Very curious.
3 Things Older Women Should Ditch ASAP
Decluttering of and for the Spirit
I recently saw a list of 55 household items mature women should throw out. It was a curious grab bag featuring futons, wire hangers, and souvenir shot glasses. Useful suggestions (I suppose), but lacking in deep, meaningful advice we older women need So, to correct that omission, here are my 3 Things Older Women Should
A Champion Napper Meets Her Match
Thousands of Naps Per Day!
I’m not much of an animal lover. I’m scared of dogs. Allergic to cats and during my parenting years, I witnessed the demise of too many goldfish, gerbils, and hermit crabs to count. So, it is with the greatest irony I find myself identifying with — no, make that, jealous of — one creature in
My Default Mode? Guilt, 24/7
So Much for New Year's Resolutions
Most people are flexing their New Year’s Resolutions muscle. Not me. I’m already stuck in my default mode: guilt!